High cases of dropouts, low grades, suspensions and in some cases depression prove that successfully graduating from nursing school is no easy feat.
Nursing is a calling, and it requires a high-level commitment. However, you may have the passion but the grades are letting you down.
This a major issue in most nursing schools. When asked, some students say that their studies and exams tend to be hard.
However, this does not mean that there aren’t nursing students who pass.
In fact, the majority of them graduate with above-average credentials. But what do you do if you are struggling to get good grades?
Read our blog to learn how can you cheat in nursing school and get away with it.
So how can you cheat in nursing school?
You can cheat in nursing school by having secret groups, hiring an essay writer, getting close to the professor and sitting close to a smart student.
This is one of the most effective ways of cheating in nursing school. You and your friends can decide to form a secret group to do your assignments.
There are various ways to form a secret group. You can form a private Facebook group or page, a WhatsApp group or agree on scheduled meetings at your friend’s house.
These groups are secret because they can be accessed by included members only. If the professor gives out an assignment, each member of the group is given their part to research and bring back their findings.
All the results are compiled in a single file and all the members can refer to it to complete the assignment. Since the topic will be well researched, expect good grades at the end of your term.
Secret groups also discuss the expected questions on the exam paper.
This offers a good revision platform for all the members of the group.
The advantage of using secret groups is that the chances of getting caught are minimal, as long as the group remains secret.
2. Hire a professional essay writer

Writing essays is common in nursing school. More often than not, the essays require deep research with well-quoted citations.
The workload may be too much for some nursing students. A worst-case scenario would be a student who is not capable of writing their essays.To avoid such inconveniences, hire an essay writer to do the work for you. This has several advantages;
- You get a paper that is original and free from plagiarism.
- The essay writer does deep research and quotes the citations accordingly. This ensures that you get a high-quality essay.
- The essay is completed before the date of submission. You get the chance to go through the work personally and return it if it is not in context.
- Essay writers are easily accessible and they are affordable.
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Upon submission, your professor will not suspect a thing because they have no way of telling whether you hired an essay writer.
One thing is for sure, for a well-researched paper, expect good grades. You must choose a reliable essay writing company, to avoid low-quality essays and untimely deliveries.
3. Sit close to a smart student

This is an old-school way of cheating but it still works magnificently.
Every class has some students who are smarter than others.
Sitting beside them or behind them can help you copy answers to the various questions.
Most nursing schools offer the same exam to students in the same class. This makes it easier for you to copy from a colleague.
Of course, you will need consent from them because they can hide their work. To ensure the student helps you out, build a good relationship with them, both inside and outside the school.
For this method to work, the spacing between students must be short. However, the risk of being caught is high, especially when the invigilator is strict.
Also, the technique may fail to work if there is more than one invigilator in the room. However, if you successfully copy from your smart friend, expect good grades in that subject.
Also see: Is copying homework cheating?
4. Scribble down a piece of paper
Another way of cheating in nursing school is by writing down important points that you are likely to forget on a small piece of paper.
You can then use it during the exam session. Although there will be an invigilator, their focus is on the whole group. You are, therefore, likely to use it when the invigilator’s focus is elsewhere.
Ensure that the paper is small in such a way that it is not easily recognizable.
5. Get close to your professor

Some professors have a rigorous grading system. They are very strict when marking exams.
For this reason, many students do not have a working relationship with their professors, mostly because they award low grades.
Having a bad relationship with your professor is something you should avoid. Studies are hard, and having a coarse relationship with your instructor makes it even harder.
The key to having good grades in nursing school is being on good terms with your instructor. Approach them and ask questions in case you are having challenges in a certain area.
If by any chance you failed in their tests, prove to them that you worked hard, and ended up scoring low.
The advantage of building a strong relationship with your professor is that they will share important tips and skills you can use when revising for the exam.
You also get to have an idea of how they set their exams. It boosts your chances of scoring better grades.
6. Submit the same assignment at different faculties
Nursing school has different faculties including surgical department, midwifery, community health nursing, nursing education, and administration, etc. some of the units offered are similar in all the departments.
For example, all nursing students take pharmacology. Therefore, if you are in midwifery and you have a friend in the surgical department who has completed their assignment, you can copy it and then the both of you can submit to your various faculties.
The likeliness of being caught is slim. Why? Different professors mark the assignment. It is an efficient way of getting a good score, and your professor will not suspect anything.
However, if the same professor is tutoring the same unit, at the various faculties, it is wise not to try this technique.
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NB: This will not work if you are submitting assignments via Turnitin, Unicheck, canvas, blackboard, urkund or safeassign.
To be safe hire a cheap essay writing company to write your essay.
7. Taking nursing exams successfully
Some people have come up with ways of correctly answering nursing questions. Some of these ways include;
- If there are choices that look similar in the question, then they are probably both wrong.
- If two choices are contradicting, one of them is likely to be the correct answer.
- Under all circumstances, never choose to call the doctor. This is especially important during your internship. Although it is a platform designed for learning and gaining experience, first take all the necessary information about the patient before calling the doctor.
The above tips work exceptionally well, and you get to pass your exam. The professor will have no idea that you are aware of these tricks.
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8. Have someone do the exam for you
If the subject you are studying is hard, then you can pay someone to go do the exam for you. The person has to be an expert in that particular subject.
They actively show up in the exam room and do the exam for you. This technique works in institutions that haven’t adopted the biometric system, where you verify your identity using your fingerprint.
The expert will sufficiently answer the questions because they have done it before successfully. For example, a professor may ask a question that has not been taught in class and requires critical thinking.
Since the professional is experienced, they will tackle the question adequately.
9. Listen to nursing podcasts
There are numerous nursing podcasts available on the World Wide Web. Nursing podcasts are an excellent way of getting good information about the nursing world.
For example, if you are interning at a hospital, and you are not sure about what to do in a certain scenario, listening to a podcast on that issue helps.
You will get detailed step-by-step techniques to help you accomplish that task. For example, listening to a podcast on Foley catheters will guide you on the insertion techniques.
Nursing podcasts also address emerging issues in the nursing world. You will find some of these issues set in an exam, and you get to tackle them easily.
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10. Skipping exams
Skipping exams is also an excellent way of cheating in nursing school. You will have to offer a valid excuse for failing to do the exam.
For instance, you can call in sick or fake an emergency at home. The good thing about skipping exams is that you will sit for the exam after your colleagues have completed theirs.
Although the professor may choose to set another paper for you, you can still ask your friends about the questions set. You, therefore, get an idea of what to expect.
If you are lucky enough, the professor could offer you the same paper done by the others. In some cases, instead of sitting for a make-up exam, the professor may give you a takeaway assignment.
You gain ample time to use other resources to research and complete the work. Therefore, by skipping the exam, you have a higher chance of getting a good grade in that subject.
11. Find nursing students who came in before you
The good thing about school is that there are different levels of study. Some students are ahead, while some have joined recently.
The chances of a professor giving you an assignment that they had already given years back are high. Therefore, be smart and look for nursing students who are ahead of you, and ask them to help you with past assignments and past papers.
Of course, you will have to choose highly graded assignments. The older nursing students must be in the same faculty as you are.
This is because they are more likely to have done the same subjects you are taking.
Past papers and past assignments are an excellent way of ensuring you get good grades without being caught.
12. Coping through the nursing internship
A nursing internship is a requirement for you to graduate in nursing school. Since you are learning, there is always room for mistakes.
Unlike school assessments and exams, it is hard to cheat in a practical setup. However, consistent mistakes could earn you a bad review from your supervisor, and this can ruin your internship grades.
If by any chance you make a mistake, rectify it immediately before anyone notices. For example, if you put down wrong information about a patient, quickly correct it to ensure the doctor treats the actual problem.
13. Online studies
The current COVID-19 situation all over the world has changed the way people go about their normal lives. Schools have been closed indefinitely, and most high learning institutions are conducting their studies online.
Nursing schools have also adopted this method. Although it is the right step forward, the integrity of students is in question, especially when doing their random tests and exams.
Online exams provide nursing students with the perfect conditions to cheat in exams. You can refer to your notes, or search on the internet for answers.
This way, get good grades without risking being caught.
How can you cheat in nursing school? Cheating in nursing school is prevalent. You have got to do what is necessary to ensure that you complete the course.
It, however, should be used as the last option. There is always a risk of getting caught, and there are consequences like suspension and expulsion.
There are
other ways of ensuring that you achieve good grades in nursing school. They include joining a study group, visiting the library and reading more often, attending lectures, and taking a good rest after having a long day.
Treat failure as a lesson and use it as motivation. The good thing about nursing is that you only require hands-on experience to excel in the industry, good grades are only important when you are attending an interview.
Therefore, how you achieved your grades is just up to you.